Storm Tech Solutions
Changing Weather's Impacts
To Directly Help Disaster Victims Today:
With a poor response plan, it only takes one disaster to ruin a company. Disaster plans are just as important in a business as they are at home. Storm Tech's professionals will help develop your plan.
When business is disrupted, it can cost money. Lost revenues plus extra expenses means reduced profits. Insurance does not cover all costs and cannot replace customers that defect to the competition. A business continuity plan to continue business is essential. Storm Tech Solutions relies on four principles to develop Business Continuity Plans for your business:
Conduct a business impact analysis to identify time-sensitive or critical business functions and processes and the resources that support them.
Identify, document, and implement to recover critical business functions and processes.
Organize a business continuity team and compile a business continuity plan to manage a business disruption.
Conduct training for the business continuity team and testing and exercises to evaluate recovery strategies and the plan.
Industries We've Represented
Local Government
Food Service
Shipping and Logistics
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